Tuesday, February 21, 2006

21 February - back in Blighty

Lynne says...

I was beginning to crawl up the walls by the end of my second week in Salamanca. My tiny, basic bedroom and constant frustration at my inability to understand a word anyone said on the telly had begun to drive me crazy; the television is a universal Spanish obsession - it was on all the time. My last language lesson was great though - I now know how to say terrible things in Spanish. Will no doubt come in useful in the months ahead.

I was tempted to stay in on the last night but ended up going out with some of my new German friends from the language school. We attempted to speak Spanish all night - with English and German thrown in to the mix - and it was great fun. Spain really is ridiculously cheap; we drank beer or wine and ate tapas in about five different bars and went to two clubs all for around 15 euros. Bizarre though - babies and toddlers in smokey bars at 10pm in the evening - can't be good for them but they didn't seem to mind and the parents didn't seem bothered at all. Now there's a cultural difference for you.


At Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fijate lo que es la vida, todo cuestión de perspectivas, aqui vemos a los extranjeros que echan a correr a quitarse la ropa para ponerse como pollos coloraos en cuanto ven un rayito de sol y se ponen ciegos de alcohol como queriendo demostrar que no tienen ni autocontrol ni saben comportarse y pensamos...claro pobrecitos! en su pais o deben andar reprimidos con eso de acostarse a la hora de las gallinas ( = muy pronto ) o es que no les enseñan educación y que emborracharse cuando uno pasa los 35 es sinceramente penoso. Yo en concreto pienso que si tenemos la tasa de suicidio más baja de toda europa es precisamente por tener mayor calidad de vista aunque claro, para gustos, los colores. Y si, te doy la razon, el español es casi tan jodido como los phrasal verbs que no tienen ni pies ni cabeza :-). ¡animo!

At Sunday, February 26, 2006 4:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matt & Lynne,

Just wanted to wish you all the best at the start of your big trip. Will watch this space with interest in the coming months, have a great time.



At Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi both
Hope you arrived safely. Looking forward to keeping up with your travels via the blog but remember to call as well!
Have fun
Lil bro...

At Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there you two - all the best for a great trip. We have just got back from Antigua which was great, but six months there would have been better! My floks send their best wishes as well.
Love Claire and Martin


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