7 April 2006 - A man walks into a chemist......
Matt says...
Just to give you all a laugh at my expense I have decided to share this tale with you.
It was remiss of us to fail to pack any Zovirax when we left England for our trip. Sure enough, I have developed a coldsore over the past few days and popped into a pharmacy in Puerto Natales today to try and describe the problem and get some medication.
"Tengo una problem" (I have a problem), I mumbled at the female chemist pointing to my spotty lower lip unaware of the Spanish translation for coldsore. She soon put me straight though, assuring myself and everybody else in the shop that I did indeed have, "How you say? Herpes? Yes, herpes." Just to rub salt into the wound she then assured me that I had herpes of the labia. Yes, the Spanish for lip is labia.
My embarrassment was complete as I paid as quickly as possible and shuffled out.
Ahhhh, I sympathise with you there my friend..... maybe us herpes lot should stick together(although I never leave home without the coldsore cream!!!) :) Missing you bothloadsand still very very jealous.... Debs xxxx
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