22 - 29 April... Rapa Nui
Ahu Kote Riku at sunset
Ahu Akivi - the only group of Moai to be found inland and Matt´s favourite spot on the island
Ahu Akivi - Lynne is top left to give some idea of scale
The fifteen Moai of Ahu Tongariki at sunrise
The eight toppled Moai of Ahu Vinapu exhude a sense of absolute futility
A beautiful sunny morning at Ahu Nau Nau
Matt explores Rano Raraku - the volcanic crater where all the Moai were carved
Lynne among the unfinished figures at Rano Raraku - her favourite spot
Matt pulls a shape at Cave Dos Ventanas (Cave of Two Windows)
Ursula Andress breathed a huge sigh of relief.... her reputation as the sexiest person ever to exit the ocean was safe
And finally, the covergirl in the next issue of ´Jeep Monthly´is....
Lynne says...
We might now be almost 1,500 pounds over budget after just two months but the week we´ve just spent on Rapa Nui has been worth every penny.
Rapa Nui is one of the world´s most isolated, inhabited islands and I´ve certainly never met anyone who has been here. The mystery of the moai (stone figures) has never been explained which makes a visit to this enigmatic place even more memorable.
The majority of the moai lie shattered on the ground, a result of internal tribal battles a couple of hundred years ago. Some have been carefully restored by experts yet their true significance has never been agreed upon. There is so much more to say about this island and I won´t even begin to go into any detail. If you are interested, you could always follow this link to find out more:
Matt´s pictures are fantastic but they still only go so far towards portraying just how mesmorizing this island really is. You will only ever know what it´s like if you are prepared to travel here yourselves.
This week will take some beating.